Certified Medication Technician

- Course Description
Throughout the program the adult students will learn how to administer medications in a Assisted Living Facilities, protect the health and well being of those under their care and correct medication administration procedures that will help them to avoid making error which could be harmful to those in their care.
- What You'll Learn
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Administer medications to residents in assisted living program.
Follow the specific rules and regulations that must be followed when administering medications.
Get basic foundation for safe medication administration in the assisted living setting.
Assisting nurses by handing out medications.
Carry out medication uses, responses, interactions and documentation
Observing, reporting and recording physical and behavioral changes as it relates to medication administration
- Entry Requirements
Drivers License or Passport (Valid Identification)
Copy of social security card or alien card
2 x 2 passport size pictures (to be used for student File & Board Application)
Verification of Employment in an Assisted Living Facility
Pre test Math Score 70% or more
Pre test Reading Score 70% or more
Application Fee for MBON certification (Money order $20.00)
Re-certification Fee for MBON certification (Money order of $30.00)